Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Counter Strike (CS) - manual n intro for dummies

inilah die gambaran dalam minda bagi sesiapa yang mengenali dan lebih lagilah yg jatuh cinta dgn game ini.

cara main die mudah je,

1. beli weapon
( tekan B for buy, kemudian diikuti nombor2 tertentu utk beli senjata, bom, kevlar, bullet proof jacket dll)

note: it will be a bit different arrrangement of weopan as terrorist and counter-terrorist.

Ex1: press 'B', '2', '1' --> you bought a shotgun just like the picture below
Ex2: press 'B', '5','1' --> you bought a mesingan just like the picture below ( most expensive weopan)

2. Move and shoot
( gune arrow key utk movement dan mouse utk turn kanan kiri also to SHOOT)

3. How to 'owning' or ' godlike'
( try to get headshoot, bcoz it need only a SHOOT to kill your opponent, aim well for the head)

Tips1: desert eagle pistol ( B, 1, 3) --> press shift for sit position, the cursor become more accurate, as well as the bullet for you to aim for. my favourite ^^

Tips2: m16 ( B, 4, 3) --> dont click SHOOT without releasing, click repeatedly and fast, it aim better and high chances for HEADSHOT!

Well, try these few tips, i'm sure u can be good with lots of practise, lols. GiVe iT a TrY THeN~

BUT, pliz take note,dont giv it a try in real life situatuion like police in Malaysia did !

they aim well by the way, a head shot whilst the kid in a car.. wow~

Based on above references,

in my assumption, Malaysian police are well train in counter strike (lol?) hingga kan terbawa-bawa ke alam realiti ~

- what is your opinion? -

x sengaja? terrr? btol ke ni? biar btol?

in my assumption as well, policemen in Malaysia has been long train in Counterstrike, may be thats their training modul for real life situation.. hmmm..


Does those people looks like the terrorist in Counterstrike?

or looks like these?

perhaps, it is time for Counterstrike to be banned from Malaysia?

p/s: u wanna know whats funnier about these? check this out

should i say : ah? wat da heck!



Meister said...

Mesti diorg tembok bodo je hostage mase men CS

MuhaMmaD said...

bukan shift la nk duduk..


da lame x main nie...

tp drpd maen CS, baek jadik Polis Malaysia..lg stylo...leh tmbak org sesuka hati..best2~